Hi! Just a quick note to say I'm sponsoring a giveaway on the maternal sparks blog.
Click HERE to enter to win 3 photo cards! Happy fall.
Labels: cards, giveaway, maddox studios, maternal sparks
Hi ya'll. If you read this blog you'll notice it's been awhile since I've posted. I was trying to revamp my look and ended up loosing my widgets (which I will put back), but I'm still thinking about what changes I want to make. If you have any suggestions feel fre to share!
Here are a few pictures of fall which is my favorite season!!!
On a different note, you can now buy my photo cards at Carlisle House in Walnut Creek Ohio (they're my favorite gift shop and they were my first job many years ago). Yay!!!
Labels: amish country, blogging, cards, fall, leaves, maddox studios, ohio, photography
Computer is fixed! Thankfully, all we had to do was reload Windows. I lost a few pictures but nothing important since I backed everything up the week before.
These are a few pictures I took when Atsen, Thokozani, Peter and I went to the fair to see the rodeo. It was quite fun! Above is an abstract of the ferris wheel lights.
Labels: calm, clown, computers, fair, family, ferris wheel, maddox studios, rodeo
Unfortunately it appears that our computer bit the dust tonight :( Depending on what we end up doing to replace it, I may not be on as much in the next week or so. Thanks for stopping by and I will be back soon!
Labels: computer, crash, internet, maddox studios
Well, for those who have noticed my recent absence (mostly) from etsy, blog, etcetera, I've been trying to take a little computer break. I have been spending all my free time staring at the screen and I got all 'putered out. And now I'M BACK, mostly....
Today the air was so perfectly cool and wonderful that I indulged my urge to bake. I hate baking when it's hot. Jasmine and I made almond cupcakes with chocolate chips and chocolate icing (all from scratch of course), and I decided it was time to introduce her to the art of afternoon tea. I love the whole concept of teatime. In Nepal it was 10 am and most, if not all, businesses observed it. Every day we'd take recess from school and make a large pot of chea (similar to Indian chai), heavily spiced with fresh ginger and black pepper. To this day my family takes a half hour break from work and school at 10.
Two years ago fall, when I was pregnant with Jasmine I started having afternoon tea with myself most every day. I'd make a small pot of tea, get out a china cup, and something yummy (fresh baked bread, cake, cookies, or whatever was on hand), put it all on a tray and sit on the couch to watch an installment of BBC's "War and Peace." Today it was Jasmine's turn to find the fun and relaxation in tea.
I wish my camera batteries had not been dead! It was priceless to see my little 18 month old daughter with half a cupcake in one hand and sipping milky tea from demitasse English bone china in the other! She is an amazing child and did not spill any either. After her first cup she said "tea" in her little baby voice and signed for more.As I was baking I started thinking back over all the interesting things I've made in the past. My mother has a knack for making up fantastic and interesting desserts and she's passed the fascination on to me. The one above "chocolate boxes" is something I made for a special 25th wedding anniversary party we and Adam threw for our parents during college. It was an amazing night with seven courses and a fantasy outdoor setting. I'll have to chronicle it in a future post.
This cake is something my siblings and I concocted for Adam's 24th birthday last year. His falls in November so we were going for a very unique fall theme. I think we were successful with the unique part!
If you look closely you'll discover a little mouse hidden among the mushrooms and leaves. Everything except the branch is edible!
Well, I think I've rambled on long enough. It's fun to reminisce "out loud" so to speak. I hope you are all refreshed from the weekend and ready for the new week ahead of us!
Hi everyone! I have been blogged! My fellow artist, Kelly, of Hacky Shack Designs was kind enough to feature me on her blog. The link is here.
While your at it check out her gorgeous jewelry. This is one of my favorites from her shop.
Click on the picture to see her shop!
Labels: blog, earrings, feature, happy shack designs, jewelry, maddox studios
Well, we had a very interesting piece of information yesterday. As some of you may know, Adam has decided that he would like to teach High School (possibly English) and we have been looking into getting him a teaching certificate etc.
Last spring he talked to the principal of Kingsway Christian School about job possibilities with them. They didn't have any openings this year but said they'd be interested in having him next year. Anyway, yesterday we heard that their art teacher will not be able to teach this year after all and Adam was recommended as a possible candidate for the job!!!! It would be a great fit for him (see some of his art here www.imaginarystudios.etsy.com). We're hoping to hear from the school very soon.
If this does work out, we would be moving within three weeks, most likely. Sweet!! The school is about 1 - 1 1/2 hrs northwest of us, close to my parents house.
Hopefully we will have some more news about this soon! Keep us in your prayers/thoughts.
Labels: art, high school, job openings, moving, ohio, teaching
On Monday morning I had what my cousin Kim calls, "an ordinary adventure." I was wandering around my mother's garden with my camera when I spotted a beautiful monarch butterfly. Of course I started snapping pictures like crazy and soon my sister joined me.
It flitted around the coneflowers for 15-20 minutes, often holding very still for long periods of time! At one point Heather was gently nudging it's wings to get it to open them! (It didn't of course). Heather said we were like the butterfly paparazzi :)
Overall it was a lovely experience and I am thrilled with the great pictures we got.
Oh yeah, I got a flickr account! Check me out (haha)
Also known as "Maddox Studios" if you'd rather search for me.
Labels: adventure, butterfllies, flowers, maddox studios, photography
Yesterday it was really hot when Adam got home, so I decided to make smoothies. We haven't had them for awhile and I had some really good strawberries this week. Bear in mind, these are some of the BEST strawberries I've ever had!
Here is the recipe for awesome homemade smoothies/lassies. (A lassie is the Indian/Nepali version of a smoothie. It's made with yogurt instead of ice)
1 cup nonfat plain yogurt
1 cup frozen pineapple
1/4 cup orange juice
8-10 juicy strawberries
sugar to taste
serves 2
A few things to note. Generally it's better to use juice concentrate or "nectar" because it has more flavor, although I used orange juice and it was great. Frozen pineapple - I buy them on sale, chop them up and freeze them in baggies of a cup each. Taste it as you go so you can adjust the amount of strawberries and sugar that you need. Last of all - Kick back and enjoy your summer!
On Wednesday we went up to Mom and Dad's to hang out with my cousin and BF Kim. We were wandering around taking pictures and talking about how we'd like to push ourselves out of the realms we normally use for photography. The consensus was that we needed more/better people pictures. So Kim, Heather (my sis) and I decided to go down into the woods and do a photo shoot. We took a large empty frame, three scarves, a broken parasol and an umbrella. It was so much fun! The picture of me (above) was taken by Kim. Below are two of my pics: Kim with the umbrella (top), and Heather with the parasol (bottom).
Labels: cousin, exercises, maddox studios, photography, sister, woods
I'm working on a new photographic series titled "Reflections." This is the first time I have compiled an actual series, so I'm pretty excited to be working on it. The photo above was taken in a puddle in front of our house a few days ago. That was really the inspiration for the project.
I have recently found an online gallery that showcases female photographers. http://www.wipnyc.org When I have a body of work compiled I hope to submit it to them. I also applied to trunkt. (www.trunkt.org) Now I just have to wait to hear back from them!
I was thrilled to be included in a treasury compiled by a fellow Interior Design Team member! The photo they used was "White Fire" shown in the post below.
Just a few pictures for you today. Top is an evening sky from the car window on my way home after last night's picnic.
Below we have "White Fire." A shot of the campfire! Enjoy your weekend...
Labels: black and white, campfire, evening, maddox studios, picnic, sky, sunset
Wednesday was our third anniversary! Adam had Thursday off, so we made date plans. Unfortunately Jasmine was sick, so we came home in between dinner and movie to check on her/put her to bed. Adam planned a surprise picnic in a local park we had never been to, which was really fun!
I'm working on a serious of black and white photos in the style above. So far it's been quite fun! Still working on the photo cards, should be coming soon though! Well, I'm off to work on my designer promo boxes. Have a wonderful weekend.
What do you do with fine art photos? Buy a print here and there for your walls? Maybe for a friend. Or perhaps you prefer photo cards to actual prints. Today I'd like to talk about some unexplored uses for photography.
Several years ago my Grandmother passed away. We received scads of lovely flower arrangements, which were spread all over the house after the memorial service. Of course a week or so later they were all dead; rather depressing in the end, don't you think?
What about giving the family of the deceased a beautiful print? Perhaps a favorite flower, or a landscape that reminds them of the beauty their loved one enjoyed. A personal note could be included, "in memory of" or a favorite poem or verse. This allows the family a memento they can keep forever or pass on if they wish.
On the opposite end of the spectrum we have babies! Flowers and stuffed animals are excellent gifts for babies/new mothers. However, for those who want to think long term, how about art? It doesn't have to be super sophisticated or adult, just pretty. Babies love to look at bright colors, crisp black and white shapes, and as they get older, flowers, animals, people, etc.
I hope this starts more interesting ideas for art percolating in your minds! Of course these ideas apply to any type of art, not just photography. Although, if you like what you see here, come see the new photos I've added in my store: www.maddoxstudios.etsy.com. Have a fabulous weekend, and feel free to share any ideas you come up with!
Labels: art, babies, funerals, gifts, maddox studios, photography
Well, I have been embarking on several new adventures this week since we got home.
1. Wholesale. Working up wholesale price sheets and terms is a lot harder than it would seem when you've never done it before. How do I know if my prices are high or low?? I do have several places I would like to wholesale and I've been asked for a price list from someone else. YAY! I really want to do this.
2. Wedding Invitations. I LOVE designing paper goods, especially for weddings. Granted I haven't done many yet, but I enjoyed the ones I did. In the past several days I've made a few test invites which I am posting here today. The top one is my fav. so far.
3. Photo Cards. I really want to start offering photo cards in my shop. I have yet to come up with a cost effective way to have them made. I think the idea I like best, is attaching 4x6 photos to cards with a spray that will allow you to take them off to be framed, OR just in such a way that the whole card can be framed as is.
Any feedback on your preferences or opinions is always appreciated! Oh, and I will be changing my favorites at the bottom of the page, so check them out!
Hello all! We're home :)
Vacation was great! Very hot, but the water was great and the snorkeling was fun. Jasmine was a real trooper. She fell totally in love with the ocean and only slept when it was dark! lol. She did great in the car as well - 3 days down and 2 days back up.
I brought back some fun pictures which I will be posting in the next few days. The one on the left is my little bro as "Peter the Barbarian." I now have a facebook account (Erin Beutel) so you can check that as I will be planning to add more vacation photos there as well.
I am very tired so I will leave you with a few pictures of lovely florida!
Goodbye rainy Ohio, Hellooooooo sunny Florida! It's that time of year again, vacation. Many thanks must go to my Parents for this trip, I'm sure it will be wonderful! We'll be camping in the Florida Keys for 5 days. Snorkeling, swimming, beach combing and sun tanning. I'm sure that 3 days (approx) in the car won't be quite as restful with a 15 mo. old, it will be worth it. :) I can't wait to get her on the beach-what a shock!
A note on what will be coming afterwards: Photo Notecards. I'm very excited to start offering these in my store www.maddoxstudios.etsy.com. Marketing will be kicking into high gear on our return. Hopefully I will be returning with many photos as well. Here's some photos of the state park we will be camping in for several days: http://www.floridastateparks.org/bahiahonda/Photos-Visit.cfm
Until later.
Labels: babies, beaches, camping, florida, maddox studios, photography, vacation
Today was the wedding of our good friends Dustin & Amanda! It was a lovely wedding. Jasmine had fun running around and making friends with british flower girls! (Here she's having a snack and wandering through the bridal party.) Adam was a groomsman and looked handsome in his tux. Since she just learned to walk, Jasmine amused herself by spending the entire day walking around. Not going anywhere particular, just cruising. We also had fun watching one of the photographers break out into some sweet moves on the dance floor :)
Not too much new here. I've been listing about one new photo a day, so keep stoppping by. (http://www.maddoxstudios.etsy.com) We'll be leaving on Friday for vacation in FL!
Once again I'm changing my favs at the bottom of the page...
Wednesday = T-minus nine days till vacation!!! A toast to the sunny beaches of the Florida Keys.
I now have photos for sale in my store! I know it's been a while, but it's coming now. This is one of my new favs. My lovely cousin combined with a sweet color study. I'd like to work on some more like this.
One of the reasons it takes so long for me to get things posted for sale is because I keep second guessing myself. Is this photo really good enough? Would anyone actually want to buy it? Hang it on their wall? I can always find something about it that's less than perfect. I think I'm too much of a perfectionist in that arena. . .
Maybe if I can sell enough photos I'll be able to get a better camera...........................................sorry, dreamin' a little.
Peter comes home on Tuesday! YAY, I haven't seen my little bro in 6 whole months.
I'll leave you all with a question and one more new photo. The question: WHAT kind of photos would you look for/like to see???? Help me out here! That's all for now. Peace out homeys.
The weeks pass so quickly. I have nothing particularly interesting to post today. I did FINALLY get pricing figured out for my photos so as soon as i get all the pics together I will start listing them on Maddox. I know it's overdue, but I can only do so many things at one time so we're still waiting. It's very late and i'm tired so I will keep it simple: Check out the new Etsy favorites at the bottom of the page!
Labels: etsy, late, photography, saturday, tired
Last night my two families came over for an informal birthday gathering. My wonderfully talented brother Silas (who, I might add, is 18) painted me this oil portrait of one of my wedding pictures! Pretty sweet huh? Especially considering it's his second oil painting ever! I keep telling him he should let me sell his art for him on etsy... Do you agree?
We had an excellent weekend at graduation. Jasmine was the life of the party - she has a talent for that. It was great to see all the cousins, aunts, uncles and extended relatives again.
I also realized how much I love being around people who live and breathe art. My town is mostly farmers. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against them, I just miss being around people who have a passion for art. Whether they make it or enjoy it, sharing that love stirs the artistic passions and makes us reach out into things we have never tried or might not have thought of ourselves. I think my creative flow has been eddying lately, unable to get out of the pool and into the river.
On that note, I am off to list more jewelry. . .
Labels: art, creativity, graduation, jewelry, oils
Well ladies and gents, it's that time of year again - graduation. I'm off to Indiana for the weekend. My two wonderful cousins (and of course best friends) are both graduating college. Yay! I get to see lots of people I haven't seen since our wedding, and show off our adorable little girl. Unfortunately Adam has to stay home and work. We will miss him, but at least there will be lots going on.
As to a 5-6 hour car ride with a 15 mo. old, that I am not so much looking forward to. Sigh. Well it's off to bed so I can get up and pack. Congrats to anyone else out there graduating! Back on monday...
Labels: babies, children, graduation, travel
P.s. i'm member number 863 of the million blog list :) http://millionbloglist.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#801_thru_900
Labels: babies, flowers, photography, posing, sunny ohio, sunshine
Happy April everyone! I know I usually update on Saturday but I was busy. :) Silas and Heather came down Friday and stayed for the whole weekend. We had a lot of fun together. Walked to the library, made cards, watched movies, and played with Jasmine in the sand box. Adam had to work evening on Saturday and all day Sunday, so it was nice to have some company.
On another note, Maddox Studios is now open for business!
There are only two items for sale so far but I will be adding more soon. The photos are coming as soon I figure out where is the best place to get them printed. Hopefully this week sometime. The design on the left one of the designs I chose for the business cards. I will have three color and three black and white designs. (The bubbles in glass and the rose, which you can find several posts back, are two that will be b & w.
The back will look like the second picture. :) I'm so excited! Now I have to figure out my packaging. Fun, fun!
Well it seems Jasmine has woken up from her nap so I'd better sign off. Check out the new favorite items from Etsy at the bottom!
Today is my birthday - Yay! Mom and Dad and Head and Silas came down and we all had dinner. Thanks to David & Fujie for the great card!
I'm really tired right now so I don't have much to say. My neck aches. Blech. Jasmine is starting to walk! It's so cute. Today i told her "show Grandpa your new trick," and she stood up and took a few steps. Yay!
On another note: to Kim and Linds if you see this, Jazzy and I are coming out for your graduation! Can't wait to see you!
Labels: babies, birthdays, graduation, walking
I reiterate - Yay for weekends! We had a good one. Friday we went up to mom and dad's after work. Saturday we made potato blocks and stamped up a storm. I brought a bunch of prints back to scan for cards, backgrounds etc. Should be good for the new store... Saturday night was the homeschool play (Heather was in it!). It was hilarious and the acting was great! Sunday afternoon Silas and Adam got out acrylics and we all did a few color studies, which was really fun. Art rocks! I'm not as good as I might wish, but I imagine that most artists feel that to some degree. Anyway, enough mundane details.
I believe I have pretty much finished the branding for Maddox Studios. I have settled on 3 black and white pics and 3 color. Also a basic image for logo purposes. Here's a question - if I customize a basic shape from photoshop with color and text is it violating any laws to use it as part of my branding?
For those of you who may not know, the picture on the left is my lovely daughter Jasmine. This pic was taken a few months ago, when she was my jewelry model for an afternoon. Isn't she a doll? I must say I'm mighty proud of my cutie... Well that's it for tonight. It's time to change my etsy favorites. Scroll down and check them out!
I've been working on a new storefront. A name under which to sell photography, paper goods, wedding invites, and any other artsy things that grab my weekly fancy! The current number one name is "Maddox Studios." For those of you who don't watch obscure TV shows, I will explain.
"The House of Elliot" is a fabulous British TV show which I happened to spot in the library. Having a secret love of fashion and a desire to know more about its inner workings, I naturally checked it out. Unfortunately there are only three seasons. The charming male lead is Jack Maddox, portrait photographer extraordinaire. Thus the name Maddox Studios.
Comments? Any other suggestions? As some of you may know I LOVE doing company branding. Business cards, packaging, promotional flyers, etc. My first thoughts are for the business cards. I really like the idea of having one card design but several different images, so that not all the cards are exactly the same. Since the focal point of this business is photography, that is not too difficult. The question is: color, sepia, black & white? What to do. I like the sepia on the left, but b & w would be classic as well. Hmmm. I guess it's time to play with photoshop! Here's one other image I was considering.
Well, I am currently watching Veronica Mars, an excellently exciting mystery show, prematurely cancelled after the third season. Sigh. I must now go play in Photoshop while I the baby is actually sleeping.
Oh yeah, Adam got a new job, Yay! The pay is less but the stress should be way less.
Ok, I'm off for real. Thinking of you Kim and Linds... Good luck with finals!