11:44 AM

Maddox Studios

Happy April everyone! I know I usually update on Saturday but I was busy. :) Silas and Heather came down Friday and stayed for the whole weekend. We had a lot of fun together. Walked to the library, made cards, watched movies, and played with Jasmine in the sand box. Adam had to work evening on Saturday and all day Sunday, so it was nice to have some company.
On another note, Maddox Studios is now open for business!
There are only two items for sale so far but I will be adding more soon. The photos are coming as soon I figure out where is the best place to get them printed. Hopefully this week sometime. The design on the left one of the designs I chose for the business cards. I will have three color and three black and white designs. (The bubbles in glass and the rose, which you can find several posts back, are two that will be b & w.
The back will look like the second picture. :) I'm so excited! Now I have to figure out my packaging. Fun, fun!
Well it seems Jasmine has woken up from her nap so I'd better sign off. Check out the new favorite items from Etsy at the bottom!


P.S. Original said...

beautiful jewelry and great photo's!

Kimberly said...

Absolutely beautiful design. I love it.